Wednesday 24 November 2010

A great trip to the Tower of London

The children in Year Four, parents and staff all thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Tower of London on Tuesday 23rd November 2011.

Helpful station staff assisted us onto the trains at each platform which made the journey to and from the Tower of London easier.

When we arrived at Tower Bridge station, there was only a short walk to the Tower. The children were excited to see all the different things they had been learning in school.

As they entered the tower gates, Class 4V and 4M took separate routes and rejoined at the end of the day. The children visited the White Tower, Beauchamp
Tower, Salt Tower, Bloody Tower, Tower Green and the most exciting Jewel House. In addition to this, the children had an eventful session with a costumed character, exploring imprisonment, escape and execution in the Tudor times.

Although the Tower of London was not built as a prison, it has, over the centuries, acquired a fearsome reputation as the worst prison in the country. In the session, the children put themselves in the shoes of a prisoner and heard exciting stories of the Tower's dark history. Where would they have been locked up? What were the prisons at the Tower like? What crime might they have committed? This session especially supported skills of historical interpretation and historical enquiry by examining prison cells in the historic environment.

The children left the Tower of London full of knowledge and enthusiasm for learning.

Miss Man commented "We had a wonderful day trip to the Tower of London. The weather was really nice and everyone had so much fun."

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