Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Our Christmas Coffee Morning By Year Four

On Tuesday 14th December, Year Four had a Christmas Coffee Morning in the Infant Hall at 9:00am.

The coffee morning was a Year Four Business and Enterprise Challenge (BEC), to raise money for the year group to subside the any forth coming events for their year group.

The Christmas Coffee Morning involves inviting parents from Year Four by the children to come along and celebrate this festive time of year.

For three weeks, the children worked very hard on their BEC project. The children were split into six groups: Refreshments, Entertainment, Advertising, Activities, Decoration and Workshops.

Prior to the spectacular morning, groups of children from the refreshment team made cakes with Linda. The children decorated them, ensuring each one was looking mouthwatering and delicious.

There were workshops for the parents to do with the children’s supervision, such as making Christmas cards, paper chain challenge and making Christmas decorations. In addition to this, the children performed a number of Christmas songs to entertain their parents.

Overall the morning was very successful and all of the parents who attended, staff and children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Thank you to all the parents who made it a great success by supporting your children.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

A great trip to the Tower of London

The children in Year Four, parents and staff all thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Tower of London on Tuesday 23rd November 2011.

Helpful station staff assisted us onto the trains at each platform which made the journey to and from the Tower of London easier.

When we arrived at Tower Bridge station, there was only a short walk to the Tower. The children were excited to see all the different things they had been learning in school.

As they entered the tower gates, Class 4V and 4M took separate routes and rejoined at the end of the day. The children visited the White Tower, Beauchamp
Tower, Salt Tower, Bloody Tower, Tower Green and the most exciting Jewel House. In addition to this, the children had an eventful session with a costumed character, exploring imprisonment, escape and execution in the Tudor times.

Although the Tower of London was not built as a prison, it has, over the centuries, acquired a fearsome reputation as the worst prison in the country. In the session, the children put themselves in the shoes of a prisoner and heard exciting stories of the Tower's dark history. Where would they have been locked up? What were the prisons at the Tower like? What crime might they have committed? This session especially supported skills of historical interpretation and historical enquiry by examining prison cells in the historic environment.

The children left the Tower of London full of knowledge and enthusiasm for learning.

Miss Man commented "We had a wonderful day trip to the Tower of London. The weather was really nice and everyone had so much fun."

Monday, 15 November 2010

Visiting a Synagogue

A great first hand experience, a lovely sight and a super afternoon!

The children had a great time at the synagogue and their behaviour was exceptional.

On arrival, the children waited quietly and patiently for Rabi Davis. When entering the synagogue he distributed a skull cap called the Kippah to all the boys. A Kippah is worn as a sign of respect.

Rabi Davis explained who and what the synagogue was used for, the history behind Judaism, stories about the great founder and showed us the Torah.

Thank you to Rabi Davis for allowing us have the priveledge to come and see the wonderful place of worship. The children througholy enjoyed the experience and learnt a lot from the session.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Wonderful 4M Class Assembly

On Tuesday 9th November, Class 4M performed an excellent class assembly to the rest of the school and their parents.

The assembly covered a variety of topics that showed everyone what we have been learning about. We started off with singing a French song “Bonjour”. Then we talked about what we have learnt in our science, showed some of our art work and finished with a dance and song that we had learnt from our Samba lessons.

We worked extremely hard, trying to practise as much as possible to make it perfect.

Our parents, children and teachers were over the moon and enjoyed every minute of the performance.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Welcome to Year Four 2010 - 2011

Miss Man, Mrs James and Mr Venner would like to say a big welcome to the children in 4V and 4M.

There are many exciting and fun things they will be learning about throughout this term. Our two main topic theme this autumn term is Lights, Camera, Action and the Tudors. We have organised a very exciting trip to the Tower of London and to a synagogue.

We hope all the children will work hard and enjoy this term.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2010 in Year Four.

The teachers and staff in Year Four would like to welcome everyone back to school and to a brand new year.

We hope the children will enjoy all the up and coming events that the teachers have lined up for them throughtout this year.

Let us all have fun and work hard.