Thursday, 29 September 2011
Year 4 Lights, Camera, Action
Children have enjoyed watching Silent Movies and learning about the history of film.
Year 4 children have also been lucky enough to recieve Ukelele lessons from Redbrige Music Service, which they are thoroughly enjoying. They are even able to take their instruments home to practise!!
Saturday, 25 June 2011
The Magical Adventures of the Vennerman Twins
Well done to all Year Four children for a wonderful day of writing on Thursday 23rd June 2011. The children were highly inspired and thoroughly enjoyed spending the whole day planning, writing, drafting and re-editing their group adventure stories. They continued with their re-editing and writing up of their neat version the following day.
As part of the ongoing ‘Year of Writing’, we hope that some of these stories will be displayed around the school to celebrate our special writing day.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Snapshot of Class 4M’s hard work
On Tuesday 14th June, the children in 4M performed a great class assembly for the whole school and their parents to watch. They showed a range of work they have done during this term.
To start off the assembly, the children showed off their French skills. They asked questions such as ‘Qui’est-ce?’ meaning ‘Who is it?’ and ‘Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans le sac?’ meaning ‘What is in the bag?’
The children answered the questions with a number of classroom objects and with yes / no answers in French.
Following on from that the children shared their own proverbs and a short drama about ‘Daniel’ from the bible. Well done children.
Next the children read out their performance poems which they had invented and finished off the whole assembly with showing everyone what they have learnt in their music lessons.
It was a great assembly and showed to everyone they have worked extremely hard throughout the term.
Thumbs up to you Class 4M.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Class 4V Extreme Environment Assembly

Well done to all the children and thank you parents for attending 4V’s assembly.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Rabbit Year 2011
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Happy 2011 New Year
Miss Man, Mr Venner and Mrs James would like to wish all the children, parents and friends "A Happy New Year".
We hope that the children will continue to work hard and enjoy the up and coming events in Year Four.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Our Christmas Coffee Morning By Year Four
The coffee morning was a Year Four Business and Enterprise Challenge (BEC), to raise money for the year group to subside the any forth coming events for their year group.
The Christmas Coffee Morning involves inviting parents from Year Four by the children to come along and celebrate this festive time of year.
For three weeks, the children worked very hard on their BEC project. The children were split into six groups: Refreshments, Entertainment, Advertising, Activities, Decoration and Workshops.
Prior to the spectacular morning, groups of children from the refreshment team made cakes with Linda. The children decorated them, ensuring each one was looking mouthwatering and delicious.
There were workshops for the parents to do with the children’s supervision, such as making Christmas cards, paper chain challenge and making Christmas decorations. In addition to this, the children performed a number of Christmas songs to entertain their parents.